Notice What You Notice
Recently, listening to a recorded program the speaker said, “Notice what you notice”. Somehow out of a half hour program that statement sounded three times louder than the rest of the program. I am sure my Guardian Angel (GA), held something to my ear to make sure I heard it, and it made sense.
Our Angels and Guides are sending us messages all the time. They work hard to get us to see, hear, feel, taste, and/or smell something to make us notice. We may notice the slight distraction in our day-to-day life, we may smell something out of the ordinary, there may be a slight touch on our neck, and we may notice it, but we don’t NOTICE IT! I am starting to notice these signs better and really NOTICE THEM! This has increased my interactions with Angels. Just like the program message announced to me “Notice what you notice”.
Two or three times per week, I randomly draw a card from my Kyle Grey Angel Card deck, and I do notice what they tell me. Several weeks ago, on Monday, I drew a card, it was the Guardian Angel card. Every Monday, Kyle Gray also shares a card from one of his several decks via email as an Angel Message Monday. I opened the email, and the card was the Guardian Angel card I drew that morning, I noticed that I Noticed it was the same card and knew the message from that card had extra meaning for me that day. Another message clearly received from the Angels.
I had an Angel tattooed on my right shoulder several years ago to remind me my Guardian Angel is with me. Every 6 months, I see a dermatologist because of my light skin. After numerous visits to her this time she noticed the tatoo and asked about it. She noticed what she noticed. I don’t know why she did, but she did.
One of the first books I read about spirituality was “Illusions, The Adventure of a Reluctant Messiah” by Richard Bach. The Reluctant Messiah told his “vagabond friend” to find a Blue Feather”. The friend thought it was crazy but several pages later in the book he saw a “Blue Feather” on the side of a milk cartoon. He noticed what he noticed.
Another example of this is Experiment #2 in Pam Grout’s book “E2”, pronounced E squared. Experiment #2: The Volkswagen Jetta Principle, You Impact the Field and Draw From it According to Your Belief and Expectations, the hypothesis says “If you decide to look for sunset-beige cars and butterflies (or purple feathers), you will find them. One of the main ideas is that you need to notice what you notice. I recommend that you set a goal over the next week to see a blue feather or a purple car.
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Make a Happy
Look for a BLUE feather and that will help you Notice What you Notice. Please email me about your experience.