ANGEL POWER, the name of this project, was shown to me by my Guardian Angel (GA) Mercedes during the development of an Angel presentation. Over several weeks GA Mercedes shared with me a path for ANGEL POWER. Then it was time to get to work.  Mercedes instructed me to develop a plan like the Quality Management course I taught and practiced during my career. The process looks like this.

An Angel Management team was created by GA Mercedes and me.  We asked other Angels and Guides to join in the wonderful adventure. 

-          GA Mercedes – Joy duties include Project Oversite, Gate Keeper, and Team Development. 

-          Archangel Gabrial, known for announcing God’s will to the people of the world.  As done in the Christmas story, duties include announcing ANGEL POWER to the world.

-          Rich – Joy duties include the earthly task and staying in contact with the Angel Teams.

Angel Teams were developed, and team leaders were chosen to assist with the following portions of the project.  The Team Leaders and Team participants were chosen for their individual skills. The teams include:

-          Social media – Blog development, Facebook.

-          Human Outreach – Responding to communications both earthly and from the Universe. Guiding people to the blog.

-          Writers – Advertising, meditation, newsletters.

-          Production – Angel clips, business cards, carvings.

-          Spirit Outreach – Reach out to other Angels and Guides to develop a universe wide network to show we are all one.

Mission and Vision Statements were developed by GA Mercedes, Archangel Gabriel and Team Leaders.

-          MISSION STATEMENT: Create a loving and joyful platform to facilitate increased awareness and power of Angels and Guides in daily lives.

-          VISION STATEMENT: Growing with ANGEL POWER.

Each team has their focus and is completing their portion of the Action Plan.  Each item in the Action Plan is a specific task to be completed and must meet the SMART test. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound).

To communicate with the Angels, I find a quite space to relax and meditate.  Whatever comes to my mind, I write it down.  The tasks are shown to me, and I start enjoying the opportunity to respond and interact with the Angels as I am doing my part.

 I share this to show everyone what has been done and how it is being done.  As the project grows so will the Universe.   If you have questions about this process, please contact me. 

If you have any experience with Angels and Spirit Guides assisting you in a project, please email me.  See the contact page for details. 



Notice What You Notice


Initiating the Management Plan Objectives