Initiating the Management Plan Objectives

BLOG 6: Lets go do it! In Blog 5 titles “The Angels are With Me”, two Team Leading Angels were name.

-         Sasha – An Angel that is more conservation and oversees Human Outreach.   They are working with others Guardian Angels to guide them to notice the message from Angel Power.-        

Naomi – Is a flashy dresser and drives a red colored sports convertible with the top down.  Going through the Spiritual world spreading the word about increased ANgel awareness due to this project.  

 In this Blog, an assignment will be made, and gratitude will be given to both Angels. 

Naomi, I benevolently request that you and all the beautiful Angels and Guides on the Spirit Outreach Team go throughout the Universe spreading the message of “Angel Power” that has created a platform on Earth to facilitate the increased awareness of Angels and their abilities as messengers in the lives of all humans. 

Visualizing the scene, there are Angels in a fleet of sports cars including Lamborghini, Astro Martin, BMW, Ferrari, Maserati and others leaving.  As they move down the road of time and space, slowly lifting into the sky, traveling the Universe spreading the word of “Angel Power”.  Thank you, Naomi and members of the Spirit Outreach Team for this wonderful effort to announce this wonderful earthly outreach to the Universe. 

Sasha, I benevolently request you and the wonderful Angels and Guides on the Human Outreach Team to travel across the earth spreading to the wonders of the Angel Power platform to all earthly being needing to hear the words.  Through numerous guises used by your heavenly grace many humans looking for this message find this and recognize it. 

As I visualize a league of Angels all dressed in the many outfits worn by the different people across the planet separating and floating across the earth’s surface. In hand are “Angel Power” material designed to hand to the Guardian Angels and spirits

Guardian Angel Mecedes thank you.

Naomi driving across the Universe


Planning a Project with Angels


Angels guided me!!