Angels guided me!!

I have always had a feeling about Angels. In Catholic grade school, high school. military service, college, throughout my career and now as a retiree. I know there was someone or something whispering in the back of my head. Did I always listen, NO.

In high school, when I was trying to decide what to do next, the Navy seemed like the best choice. I now know the Angels guided me.

My first year out of the military, I was working a low paying job in downtown Denver, Colorado. I did not care for the hustle and bustle of the city. I decided to go to college, something I had not planned to do prior to this. I now know the Angels guided me.

To choose my college major, I closed my eyes and pocked my pencil on the list of majors. I let the end of the pencil decide it. I enjoyed the Natural Resource field for college and 30-year career. I now know my Angels guided me.

There are many times in my life that did not go as plan. In the Navy, I planned to go into nuclear propulsion. I failed a test in boot camp and forced me to go another direction. Several years ago, I studied hard for a test to become and energy consultant. Again, I failed a test. I know the Angels was giving me guidance in both cases and I am glad they did.

As a hobby, I carve cottonwood bark. My favorite piece to carve is an Angel. I was recommended to write a book to help sell carvings. I wrote a children’s book with Angels being one of the main characters. I enjoy working with my scroll saw. I designed and cut out many Angel clips similar to the one in the picture for this page. I now have a laser to make the clips easier and more precise. I now know the Angels guided me every step of the way.

About three years ago, every place I looked books, courses, videos were brought to my attention. This led me to want to know more. I took a “Certified Angel Guide” course by Kyle Gray. through the reading, course exercises, meditation, journaling and more, I started having better clarity, understanding and love for these wonderful energy beings that are always in my life. I NOW KNOW ANGELS HAVE ALWAYS GUIDED ME.


Initiating the Management Plan Objectives